Oriental Pearl Assorted Mooncake (New Pack Design) This premium gift box features six iconic Hong Kong landmarks, each representing one delicious mooncake variety. The double-decker box features the classic lotus pond image complemented by a more western-styled mosaic and embossed floral patterns, illustrating the story of Hong Kong as a place where cultures collide. The mooncake molds used featured different Hong Kong landmarks, including the iconic junk boat, The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, the Golden Bauhinia Square, the Hong Kong Tram, Peak Tram, and the Clock Tower at Tsim Sha Tsui. Add a bespoke bag as a complementary accessory to elevate your gift. Made in Hong Kong 6 pcs/box, approx. 110g/pc Red Bean Paste Mooncake with Chestnut 1 pc
Low (Reduced) Sugar White Lotus Seed Paste Mooncake with Pine Nut 1 pc - Substituting sugar with sugar alcohols for health-conscious consumers, this mooncake with whole pine nuts and white lotus paste is a refreshing take on the traditional treat. White Lotus Seed Paste Mooncake with Egg Yolk 1 pc - The refreshing fragrance of white lotus seed paste and premium salted egg yolks mixes flawlessly. Wrapped within a delicious mooncake crust that creates the perfect balance. Lotus Seed Paste Mooncake with Egg Yolk 1 pc - Features a paste made with lotus seeds and premium egg yolks amalgamate within a crumbly mooncake crust for the optimal texture. Low (Reduced) Sugar White Lotus Seed Paste Mooncake with Egg Yolk 1 pc - Substituting sugar with sugar alcohols for health-conscious consumers, this mooncake with salted egg yolk and white lotus paste brings the same rich indulgence of the classic treat. Classic Mixed Nuts Mooncake 1 pc |
- Flavors and textures you cannot miss thanks to a medley of assorted nuts including almonds, pecans, pine nuts, sesame, and melon seed. This isa greener alternative for those who prefer a healthier version of the traditional mooncake
東方之珠月餅 (新包裝) 富有香港特色的中秋禮盒,六款香港地標,六個不同口味的月餅。 精緻的雙層禮盒,在傳統中式荷花池圖案上,配上西式教堂的彩色琉璃瓦窗花,再襯上壓花花紋,展現出香港這「東方之珠」中西合璧、文化交融的特色。 餅模圖案用上香港不同的名勝風景做主題,分別有香港標誌性的帆船、灣仔會議展覽中心、灣仔金紫荊廣場、香港電車、山頂纜車及尖沙咀鐘樓。 定制禮袋配上精美禮盒,錦上添花,送給親朋好友更顯心意。 香港製造 1盒6個,每個約110克 栗子豆沙月餅1個
經典五仁月餅1個 |