Starry Pearl Assorted Mooncakes (New Pack Design) This splendid, colourful gift box consists of nine special treats in different varieties including lotus seed paste mooncake, red bean paste mooncakes, low (reduced) sugar mooncakes, mixed nuts mooncake and purple sweet potato mooncakes.Savor all of these different treats in one shot and indulge in a sea of flavors. Purple Sweet Potato Mooncake with Chestnut 1 pc
Purple Sweet Potato Mooncake 1pc
White Lotus Seed Paste Mooncake with Egg Yolk 1 pc - The refreshing fragrance of white lotus seed paste and premium salted egg yolks harmonize flawlessly. Wrapped within a mouth-watering mooncake crust, creating the perfect balance. Lotus Seed Paste Mooncake with Egg Yolk 1 pc - Features a paste made with lotus seeds and premium egg yolks amalgamate within a crumbly mooncake crust for the optimal texture. Red Bean Paste Mooncake 1 pc
Red Bean Paste Mooncake with Chestnut 1 pc - This mooncake combines the crowd-favorite smooth red bean paste with chunky chestnut pieces for an extra sweet and crunchy sensation that will have you craving more. Red Bean Paste Mooncake with Egg Yolk 1 pc
Low (Reduced) Sugar White Lotus Seed Paste Mooncake with Egg Yolk 1 pc
Classic Mixed Nuts Mooncake 1 pc |
Flavors and textures you cannot miss thanks to a medley of assorted nuts including almonds, pecans, pine nuts, sesame, and melon seed, a green alternative for those who prefer a healthier version of the traditional mooncake.
九星迎月禮盒月餅 (新包裝) 紫氣逼人的中秋禮盒,於傳統口味中加入豆沙及紫薯月餅,共有九款口味,一次品嚐各種風味,享受多重滋味驚喜。
香港製造 1盒9個,每個約70克 紫薯栗子月餅1個
純正豆沙月餅 1個
低糖(減糖) 蛋黃白蓮蓉月餅1個
經典五仁月餅1個 |